Brother Mike Ministries

The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!  
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!! ***

Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5

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Revelation 13:15
The Beast gave life to its image, that the image should both speak and kill those who would not worship it!
By Brother Mike (11-17-23; 50 minutes)


15   And he [the beast] had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed . {life: Greek = breath or spirit}


In our Last Study , we saw that the Church-beast (the kingdom of Satan manifested in the Christian corporate Church during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011) that was represented or symbolized by the two beasts of Revelation Chapter 13 did its counterfeit salvations, various apparent miracles of healings; apparent direct messages from God in dreams, visions, tongues, prophesyings, so-called Words of Knowledge, voices, and extrabiblical writings; and this beast made people to fall backward to be slain in the spirit, to say to those who had not obeyed Christ to depart out from their churches, but who still attended their various Christian churches during the Great Tribulation, that they should make an image to this Church-beast. This image, we found, that they made to the beast was not a physical image or idol of any kind, but it was a spiritual image or idol, being the very notion or belief that those apparent miracles of the

Church-beast were of the true Christ, when the truth is, they were and even continue to be of the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, who was given by God to rule over the corporate Christian Church as His Judgment against them, for Judgment [had to] begin at the House of God (1 Peter 4:17). And this Final Judgment of God did begin with them on May 21,1988 at the spiritual end of the Church Age and the beginning of the Great Tribulation against them, which was completely spiritual and according to the very accurate , Biblical Timeline of History , which came directly from God's Holy Books and Scriptures of His Holy Bible.

But now, in today's study,  this Church-beast (the kingdom of Satan that was given by Christ to spiritually destroy the Christian Church beginning on May 21,1988, namely Satan and his demons as well as his counterfeit Christians), yes, we will discover what it means that this Church-beast was given to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed (study continues on the next page).


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the case, we can assume it was God from whom the beast was given to give life unto the image of the beast because ultimately, God is sovereign, and it was He who used the beast to bring His Judgment against the corporate Christian Church during the Great Tribulation, and even to this very day. 

Also, notice, once again, that the word power in the King James translation, And he [the beast] had power to give life unto the image of the beast is not found in the Greek text. Instead, as already stated, it [the beast] was given to give life unto the image of the beast. Of course, it is a true statement that the beast was given power to give life unto the image of the beast, but the word power is simply not in the literal Greek text at hand, although, if you can remember, it was mentioned in verse 5 where it states, and power was given unto it [the beast] to continue forty and two months (this 42 months symbolizes the entire 23 year Great Tribulation period).  

Now, the life that this beast was given to give unto the image of the beast could also be translated as breath or spirit, and so, we are led to ask the question, what does it mean that this beast gave life, breath, or spirit unto the image of the beast?

To answer this question, let's first remind ourselves what the image of the beast is. Remember, the image of the beast is not an idol of anything physical like a carving of wood, stone, or metal; or a picture or statue; or something in creation like an animal or creature

Let's begin by reading our verse one more time to further set the stage for this study. It reads,
Revelation 13:15

15 And he [the beast]
had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed .   
First, the Authorized King James Bible Version of 1769 that we normally begin all our studies with by reading because it is still one of the best English Bible translations available, says, in its beginning sentence, And he [the beast] had power to give life unto the image of the beast. Yet, the literal Greek text does not say, And he [the beast] had power to give life unto the image of the beast, but it says, And he, she, or it [the beast] was given [not had power] to give life unto the image of the beast. But since, as we had learned in a previous study that the beast is neither just male or female, it would be better translated, And it [the beast] was given to give life unto the image of the beast. The Greek verb here, to give, is in the Aorist Tense and the Passive Mood, which means that at some point in the past, the beast was completely passive in its having been given to give life unto the image of the beast (see Aorist Tense and Passive Mood ). And, since the context of our verse in Revelation Chapter 13 is during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21, 2011, it must have been given to the beast to give life unto the image of the beast at some time either before or during the Great Tribulation. Whatever

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of some kind; or the sun, moon, or stars in the heavens. Instead, this image of the beast is the notion or belief that the god who was ruling in and over the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation, and who is still being permitted to rule in and over the Christian churches even to this day; who seems to save and heal people and make people fall backward to slay them in the spirit; who seems to still give people in the churches direct message apart from the Bible in dreams, visions, tongues, voices, prophesies, Words of Knowledge, extra-biblical writings and so forth ... is the true Christ when, in great deception, he is actually the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist (also called the Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, and Abomination of Desolation), Satan himself, who was given rule in the corporate Christian Church from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011, the Great Tribulation period, and even to this very day, to bring God's Judgment against His own Church; not against the Eternal Church to whom Christ said, the gates of hell would not prevail (Mathew 16:18), who are not a denomination, local congregation, or church of any kind, but they are the truly saved Christians themselves who began departing out from all the temporal Christian churches worldwide during the Great Tribulation to obey their Lord (see Why leave all churches? ). As stated, the Eternal Church are not all the denominations and local congregations on this earth that, in this day, are full of the unsaved, who are being fed a strong delusion by God Himself because they have rejected the truth of His Judgment having come upon their churches so that they are now worshipping the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, without even knowing it.    

So, the image of the beast is the notion or belief which all those still in the Christian churches of any kind have, who will not accept that their church or churches are now being ruled by the Antichrist instead of the true Christ. They are completely deceived, and they are worshipping Satan without knowing it! They still believe that their church or churches are still reasonably true to the word of God while they say the counterfeit Christ may be ruling some of the Christian churches, but he is certainly not ruling ours. They fail to understand that God's Judgment did not just come on some of the churches, but it came on all the whole corporate Christian Church of which every Christian church is a part. Yes, it may be true that your particular church is not as bad as the church down the road, but that makes no difference. Just as God's Final Judgment came on this world on May 21,2011 and will result in its complete destruction, so also, God's Final Judgment came upon all His churches on May 21,1988, and it has already resulted in all their complete spiritual destructions. Their complete physical destructions will soon come as well on the Last Day of Judgment Day that we are now in.  

Therefore, depart out from all the Christian churches, including your own, or you will be utterly destroyed both spiritually and physically in the end. The Church Age spiritually ended on May 21,1988. Don't wait for your church to be physically destroyed as well! The true Holy Spirit is no longer in your church! You are being deceived by the perfect counterfeit unholy spirit, Satan himself, who now resides in your church and all other so-called Christian churches

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worldwide. You have made an image or idol to the beast, and you worship it without even knowing. Your image or idol is your belief that the true Christ and Holy Spirit are still in your church. That is a lie!  

...  Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues (Revelation 18:4), for the Final Judgment [had to] begin at the House of God (1Peter 4:17), and it already began on May 21,1988 according to the
very accurate ,
Biblical Timeline of History

But let's now get back to our verse of study. Now that we have learned that the image or idol of the beast is the notion or belief that the god ruling in and over the corporate Christian Church during the Great Tribulation and even to this very day, which includes all Christian churches, is the true Christ, when, in fact, it is the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, who is the ruling part of the beast, which beast also includes his demons and counterfeit Christians, what does it mean that this beast gave life, breath, or spirit unto the image of the beast? More precisely, what does it mean that this beast gave life to the notion or belief of all those in the Christian churches that the god they are worshipping in their churches is the true Christ and not the counterfeit Christ?  

First, the Greek word pneuma translated in our verse as life is literally translated as spirit. So, we could say that this beast gave spirit to the notion or belief, of all those in the Christian churches, that the god they are worshipping in their churches is the true Christ and not the
counterfeit Christ. But just as it is the spirit in us that gives life to our bodies, and without a spirit our bodies are dead and have no life, so also, that this beast gave spirit unto the image of the beast means that it gave, to the notion or belief that the counterfeit Christ in all the Christian churches is the true Christ, life. In other words, it made it appear like the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan, who was given rule in and over all the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation, and even to this very day, is the true living God, Jesus Christ. And how did the beast do this? Well, as we had learned in the previous verses of Revelation Chapter 13, it worked Great Wonders or miracles similar to the miracles and wonders that the true Christ worked during the 1st century AD such as apparent miraculous salvations and healings; the making of fire descend from heaven into the earth (the making of people to fall backward as we had learned in Revelation 13:13 ); direct messages apart from Holy Scripture in dreams, visions, tongues, prophesyings, voices, and extra-biblical writings, and so forth ... And whereas the true Christ did these things as confirmation that He was the true living God, the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan, did and continues to do these things to deceive those in the Christian churches into believing he is god and also worshipping him, fully convinced that they could never do such a thing while they serve him, as if he were the true Christ. Indeed, if those in all the Christian churches knew who they were serving and worshipping, they would be stunned and amazed, as they will be on the relatively soon to come Last Day when they see all God's true people, who no longer attend any church,

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being raptured to heaven, themselves being the true Eternal Church, while they are all left behind to burn in the fire of this earth's destruction. 

Don't say to yourself that Christ would never do such a thing to His own Church because He had said to the Apostle Peter,  

Mt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
For Christ did not mean by this that all the current temporal denominations, including Catholicism, and all local churches worldwide would not be destroyed in the end by the devil and his host of demons and unsaved people, but He meant that His Eternal Church, who are only that remnant of people who were elected to salvation by God from before the world began, and who were all saved by when the many days of Judgment Day began on May 21,2011. These are who He meant would never be overcome or destroyed by the gates of hell! These are the true Eternal Church and people of God who were once normally but a remnant in all the various Christian churches worldwide. But they are no longer in all the Christian churches because they obeyed their Lord to depart out from them while He brings His Final Judgment against them ever since May 21,1988 by using the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, to spiritually destroy them all in great deception as he rules over them, and they worship him. This is God's Final Judgment against all the Christian churches, not just some of them. Whether you are Catholic or

Protestant, or whatever you call yourself, you must come out from your church if you want to follow Christ. If you will not, God will continue feeding you a strong delusion so that you will believe a lie, namely that there is still hope for the Christian churches, and that Christ and the Holy Spirit are still there. Yes, we are called to come out of all the Christian churches, now called Babylon the Great, the mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth, for they are all now a part of Satan's kingdom (this world) to bring the Final Judgment against them. You should no longer to give your money to Satan, but you should use your money and where with all for the propagation of God's Judgment. Support that instead of the sending forth of the gospel, for the Day of Salvation has come to an end, and there are now only counterfeit salvations taking place by the counterfeit Christ, Satan, to deceive God's Elect if that were possible. But the Day of Judgment is now!  

Well, as we continue in our verse of study, we are next given the reason why this beast was given to give life unto the image of the beast. That is, why this beast made it appear by the miracles and powers it was given to do from God as though the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan, was the true Christ in the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011, and even to this very day. It reads, so that the image [or we could say, idol]
of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed . Therefore, the reason why the beast, of which Satan has been its ruling part, was made to

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appear as if it were the true Christ in the Christian churches and not the false Christ or Antichrist that it truly still is to this very day, was so that this image or idol of the beast, which, once again, we already learned is the notion or belief of the so-called Christians still in all the Christian churches that the Christ who has been ruling in and over their churches, and they have been worshipping during the Great Tribulation, and even to this very day, is the true Christ, when instead, it really is the perfect counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, namely that that notion or belief should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed

But the question now becomes, what does it mean that the notion or belief that the true Christ and not the counterfeit Christ had been ruling over the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation (which had been the image or idol of the beast) is said to speak? In short, how did this notion or belief, speak? Remember, the reason why those in the Christian churches believed, and continue to believe to this very day that the beast, of which Satan is the ruling part, has been the true Christ and not the devil is because of the miracles or wonders that it has been doing in the Christian churches, for we read,

13 And it doeth great wonders, that it should be making fire [Judgment]
come down from heaven into the earth [into the corporate Christian Church] in the sight of humans [which was the making of people to fall backward as we had previously learned],
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the

earth [in the Christian churches] by the means of those miracles which it was given to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth [in the Christian churches] , that they should make an image to the beast [the belief of those in the Christian churches that the true Christ is still ruling in and over their churches when He is not] , which had the wound by a sword, and did live .  

We should also remember that the first beast of Revelation Chapter 13 that we learned is really one and the same beast as this 2nd beast that we have been speaking about (God just pictures 2 beasts because the number two emphasizes that all this has to do with the Church - see Bible number 2 ), yes, that beast was given a mouth speaking Great Things and blasphemies (verse 5). Great Things and blasphemies refer to the fact that our beast spoke through its counterfeit Christians in the churches by the use of Holy Scripture as if it were God Himself. So, in that the image or the idol of the beast is said to speak must give reference to the God-like speaking that the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, did and continues to do through all his counterfeit Christians, pastors, evangelists, teachers, prophets and all the other speakers in the Christian churches for the purpose of deceiving them into believing that they are worshipping the true Christ and God when, the truth is, they are worshipping the devil and Antichrist without even being aware of it. How can this be? Well, because they are all walking in lies as if Christ is still ruling in their churches when He is not, and they think they are worshipping the true Christ in their churches when they are not, so they will not obey Christ

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Well now, finishing up on our verse of study, we are also told another reason why the beast was given to give life unto the image of the beast, namely so that it should cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed . That is, the beast (remember, the beast consists not just of Satan as its ruler, but also his demons and counterfeit Christians that now fill the Christian churches), yes, this beast gave its spirit to give life unto the image of the beast by using its spirit, Satan, and the spirits of its demons to bring its counterfeit Christians to life in the Church to work through them great wonders or miracles like counterfeit salvations, apparent miraculous healings, the receiving of direct messages from God in dreams, visions, tongues, words of knowledge, prophesyings, extrabiblical writings, and so forth ... And, we must not forget, it worked all these miracles or wonders to set the stage for working through them to make fire descend out of heaven into the Church before humans, which was the making of people to fall backward in the sight of human beings as we learned in Revelation Chapter 13:13 . All these wonders accomplished through counterfeit Christians gave spirit or life unto the image of the beast, namely the notion or belief that the true God, Jesus Christ, was ruling in their churches. And the beast did and continues to do all these wonders or miracles to deceive those in the Christian churches into worshipping the god responsible for those things who is the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself as if he were God himself. 

But, as our verse says, anyone in the Christian churches who would not worship that image

to depart out from their churches to realize the truth. That is why God has been feeding them a strong delusion in the first place to believe a lie (2Thessalonians 2:11). 
Now, for all you people who will not depart out from your churches to escape God's Judgment, saying, God would never allow such great deception to take over His Church, consider this: Jerusalem, the very apple of God's eye in the Old Testament was completely taken over and destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC due to their hardened rebellion and disobedience as Yahweh's Judgment against them. The people were saying exactly as you are, that God would never destroy His beloved city, people, and temple. But He did! How much more would He destroy His New Covenant city, people, and temple, namely His New Testament churches on this earth. Indeed, He already has destroyed them spiritually so that it only remains that they be destroyed physically, which is soon to take place. So, don't be foolish and not depart out from your church. Instead, obey Christ who says in Matthew 24,  

15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation [another name for the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself (also called the beast)]
, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place [the corporate Christian Church or Temple]
, (whoso readeth, let him understand :)
Then let them which be in Judaea [the Christian churches] flee into the mountains [flee out of your church where the true God is outside of every Christian church]

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of the beast; who would not see those miracles taking place in the Church as being of the true Christ; who would not believe that the true Christ was ruling in the corporate Christian Church after God's Judgment came upon all the Christian churches on May 21,1988 at the spiritual end of the Church Age; who would no longer bow down to the false god of the Christian churches; these true Christians were killed in the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011. And, because Revelation Chapter 13 in which our verse is found is clearly symbolic or spiritual as we had found over and over again, these true Christians, or God's true Elect people, were not physically killed, but they were spiritually killed (silenced) by being ignored, looked down upon, not listened to, called false prophets, not any longer allowed ministry in the Church, separated from, all as if they had been physically killed and were no longer present. In some cases, they were even cast out of their churches. This is the same thing spoken about the 2 Witnesses in Revelation 11:7-10 where we read, 

7 And when they [the 2 Witnesses, the Elect or Saints] shall have finished their testimony [at the end of the Church Age on May 21,1988] , the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them [against the 2 Witnesses, God's Elect or Saints in the churches] , and shall overcome them, and kill them [spiritually kill them (silence them in the churches)] .
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city [in the Christian churches which became the new earthly Jerusalem after the cross] , which spiritually is called Sodom

and Egypt [the Christian churches became evil as Sodom and Egypt] , where also our Lord was crucified [not only was our Lord crucified in the streets of Jerusalem in 33 AD, but He was also spiritually killed or crucified when His body, the Elect or Saints, were spiritually killed (silenced) in the churches].  
9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half [the period of the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011] , and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves .
And they that dwell upon the earth [in the Christian churches] shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets [the Elect or Saints still in the churches at that time] tormented them that dwelt on the earth .  

Anyway, you can get more details on these verses just read by clicking on Revelation 11:7-10 . These verses are obviously speaking about the same thing we are learning about in our verse of today's study, Revelation Chapter 13. And there are many other verses that speak to the period of the Great Tribulation wherein God's true people were overcome or spiritually killed in the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 up to when the many days of Judgment Day began on May 21,2011. Just like the Day of Salvation consisted of more than just one day, so also, Judgment Day (also called the Day of Yahweh, or the Day of the Lord) that we are now in consists of more than one day. Judgment Day and the End, then, has already come, but that Final Day consists

himself who deceived all the churches and congregations worldwide to worship him and receive the Mark of the Beast, and he brought in his counterfeit gospels, counterfeit teachings, and counterfeit signs and wonders to spiritually destroy them. 

Now, before moving on further, we should note that Christ, like Satan, is also referred to as a lion in scripture. Remember, we read,  
Re 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David [Christ]
, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof .  
And, in describing Christ by four beasts (better translated as four living creatures), we read,   
Re 4:7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle

So, Christ and Satan can both be described as a lion in scripture, but Satan is the counterfeit lion. Satan comes looking just like Christ, which is one of the reasons why he is described as a lion in the same way that Christ is. And there are many Old Testament verses that both typify Christ and Satan as a lion that we will not get into for brevity, but with that being said, let's look at one last verse. We read, 

Hosea 13:5 I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought . {great ... : Heb. droughts }

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6 According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me
7 Therefore I [God]
will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I [God]
observe them :
8 I [God]
will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I [God] devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them . {wild ... : Heb. beast of the field } 

Notice that in this verse, because God is bringing judgment on His own people, God describes Himself as all three of the same beasts - the leopard, bear, and lion - which are used to describe Satan coming against God's Church as judgment against them during the Great Tribulation from May 21, 1988 to when Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011 in our verse of study, Revelation 13:2. In fact, Hosea 13:5-8, the verses we just read, typifies God's judgment that would come upon the New Testament Israel, the Church, which we see being described in verse 2 of our study in Revelation 13. 

Now, our verse 2 of Revelation 13 ends like this: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. That is, the beast (Satan and his kingdom) that rose up out of the sea (was loosed to rise up out of the bottomless pit in which it was first bound at the cross) to bring God's judgment against all the churches and congregations worldwide beginning on May 21, 1988 according to the well-proven , Biblical Timeline of History got its power from
the dragon who we learned is the devil, Satan himself .
of many days. Indeed, spiritually, the End has already come because there is no longer any possibility of anyone else being eternally saved ever since May 21,2011, but physically, the End has not yet come until the Last Day of the many days of Judgment Day that we are now in. But, since the Day of Salvation is over, it is guaranteed that everyone who was not eternally saved through the faith of Christ by when Judgment Day began on May 21,2011 will soon perish forever on the soon to come Last Day of Judgment Day that we are now in, which could be any day now up to as long as about the year 2035 AD. There is some evidence that it could take place in the year 2026 during the feast of tabernacles, which is only about 3 years from now, and there is some other evidence that points to the years 2033 or 2034 AD. Because we cannot, at this time, say for sure like we were able to say for sure that Judgment Day would begin on May 21,2011 with no more salvation possible because there was so much evidence and proofs, it is wise to simply say that it could take place any day now, and it doesn't appear that it will be any later the 2035 AD. So, no matter what one thinks, it is soon! It is quite soon enough for us to not store up our treasures here on earth by being deceived by the love of money, but instead, to use our gifts and talents and money to declare the truth, namely that all the Christian churches are being ruled over by the devil as God's Judgment against them, and so, if you remain in your church, you will surely by the End be destroyed. So, come out from your church in obedience to the true Christ so that you stop worshipping the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself.

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Okay, to conclude, we have learned in this study that during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011, and even to this very day, the beast has been given to give spirit or life unto the image of the beast, and this meant that the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan, deceived those in the Christian churches as he gave the appearance or image of being the true Christ by his using his demons and working through his counterfeit Christians such as false pastors, teachers, evangelists, healers, prophets, and others, to do Great Wonders or miracles. Those miracles have been including counterfeit salvations, apparent miraculous healings of various kinds, the apparent receiving of direct and divine messages apart from the Bible in dreams, visions, tongues, voices, prophesyings, so-called words of knowledge, and so forth, to set the stage for these counterfeit Christians to make fire descend out of heaven into the Church in the sight of human beings, which, we learned in Revelation 13:13 in a previous study, has been the making of people to fall backward in the sight of humans to deceive those in the Christian churches that the god who has been working all these things is the true Christ, God, and Judge so that they have been worshipping the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, without even knowing it. 

Then, we found that all this spirit or life that the beast gave to support its own image, namely the false belief or notion that it has been the true Christ ruling in and over all the Christian

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churches from the beginning of the Great Tribulation on May 21,1988, and even to this day, was given to it so that the image of the beast should speak as it did speak Great Things (the very words of God from the Bible as if it were God himself) and blasphemies through its counterfeit pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, and others, and having been bringing forth various false gospels and teachings to this very day. This beast also gave all that spirit or life unto its own image, namely the false belief or notion that it has been the true Christ ruling in and over all the Christian churches, to cause that as many as would not worship [that] image of the beast should be killed. Those who were killed were the true people of God in the churches, and they were not physically killed but spiritually killed. Yes, they were silenced in the churches during the Great Tribulation in such a way as if they were actually physically killed and so no longer present, for they were shunned or ignored as if no longer there, separated from as if no longer there, kept from ministry and speaking as if no longer there. And, in some cases, they were cast from the church to make them no longer there. But finally, after some years of continuing in their churches, they realized that Christ was calling them out from all the Christian churches because He was bringing His Final Judgment against them, and He wanted them alone to escape His wrath. So, we all departed out, never to look back as Lot's wife had looked back and so turned into a pillar of salt. Are you looking back?  

Now, until the next time, may Yahweh bless thee, and keep thee: Yahweh make his

face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: Yahweh lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

13 Review
