Brother Mike Ministries

The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!  
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!! ***

Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5

            Proofs and Evidence for the Biblical Calendar 
                                                   By Brother Mike (before May 21, 2011) 

In the last section I showed how the important three end-time dates in the biblical calendar of May 21, 1988, September 7, 1994, and May 21, 2011 may have first been hypothesized based on scripture and common sense logic. In this section I will endeavor to reveal evidence and proofs in support of the biblical calendar and end-time dates. Because the biblical calendar is one cohesive whole, any evidence or proof for one date also supports the other dates, for each date is dependent upon the other. When all the evidence and proofs are carefully considered as a whole, it is overwhelmingly in favor for the accuracy of the calendar including May 21, 2011 .

                    Accurate Alignment of the Biblical Calendar with the Secular Calendar 

Before embarking on a journey into some of the proofs and evidence for the accuracy of the biblical calendar, I believe it most important to first show evidence and proof for the accurate alignment of the biblical to the secular modern day calendar. If these calendars are not accurately aligned, then it wouldn't matter how much proof and evidence there was for the accuracy of the biblical calendar exclusively internal to the walls of the Bible, for the lack of exact alignment of this internal biblical calendar with the external secular calendar would result in faulty data on the secular calendar scale. In other words, the biblical calendar exclusively taken from the Bible before alignment to the modern calendar could be absolutely correct, but if this calendar were not exactly aligned with the modern day secular calendar, all the date-points translated to the secular calendar could be off by 1, 2, 3 or even more years depending on the degree of the misalignment. It would be like aligning the inside ruler to faulty data points on the external ruler on a slide rule. The resulting data points would then be inaccurate by the exact degree of the misalignment. It is crucial, therefore, there be clear proof for the calendars being accurately aligned.

Many have thought that the calendars were only aligned based upon the year in which King Solomon died in 931 BC. In this case, the secular record date of 931 BC was aligned to the corresponding biblical record date of 10,082 years from creation when King Solomon died. But accuracy in alignment based on just this one secular date may not be strong support for accuracy, especially since there may be some conflict in sources as to the exact accurate secular date in the death of Solomon. 

Fortunately, accurate calendar alignment is not dependent just upon this single date-point of 931 BC as many have thought, but it is dependent upon several secular record dates, and the time spans between these dates being matched to their corresponding biblical dates having the exact time spans between them (pages 99-100 in Time Has An End ). Taking into account these multiple points of alignment having the exact time span in years between them both in the secular and the biblical records suddenly seems to plunge the probability of error in alignment to be zero if not very close to it.

There are other things that reveal a proper alignment in calendars as well. For instance, the biblical calendar of history aligned to the modern day calendar declares May 21, 2011 to have been the beginning of spiritual Judgment Day, which was typified in the judgment of Noah's flood 7000 years earlier. Remarkably, on the completely separate, Jewish lunar calendar, May 21, 2011 translates exactly into the 17th day of the 2nd month (see Hebrew calendar converter ), which is precisely the same month and day according to the biblical record of Noah's day when the flood waters struck (Gen. 7:11). This matches well with the biblical teaching of " as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" (Lk. 17:26). If the calendars were misaligned even by just one year, this logical supportive evidence for the accuracy in the alignment of the secular and biblical calendars would not exist.

Also, according to the accurate secular record, Israel became a nation once again on May 14, 1948, and this external secular date is supported by the logical number patterns associated with it internal to the biblical calendar, which gives proof to the accurate alignment of the calendar. If the calendar was misaligned in any way, none of the following logical number patterns would exist in relationship to May 14, 1948: 

1. 1948 to 1988 = 40 years
2. May 14, 1948 to May 21, 1988 = 40 + 7 days 
3. 1948 to 1994 = 2 x 23 
4. May 14, 1948 to May 21, 2011 = 23,000 + 17 days  
5. 1407 BC to 1948 = 3,354 years = 2 x 3 x 13 x 43 
6. 11, 013 BC to 1948 = 12,960 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 480 

These are considered logical and supportive number patterns to the accuracy of the calendar's alignment because the significance of the external secular date of May 14, 1948 meshes perfectly with the significant internal biblical dates and the meaning in the number patterns revealed by the given time span. The revealed dates and numbers and patterns reveal a meaning which supports or enhances the meaning inherent to the biblical calendar itself. Because these numbers and patterns come from the accurately known, outside of the bible, secular date of May 14, 1948 in relationship to the biblical calendar dates, which stem from within the Bible alone, they lend support to the accurate alignment of the biblical calendar of history; otherwise none of them would exist as they do. In other words, the outside of the Bible, well-known accurate date and year of May 14, 1948 matches well with the inside the Bible event-dates to produce a cohesive logical meaning in relation to biblical history in support of accuracy in the biblical calendar. To begin to understand the logical meaning in the symbolism of these numbers and patterns, they are listed and explained under the proofs and evidence heading below because they not only lend support to the accurate alignment of the calendar due to being logically related to the outside of the Bible and accurate secular date of May 14, 1948, but also give evidence to the accuracy of the calendar in general. 

Evidence and Proofs for Calendar Accuracy 

1948 to 1988 = 40 years 

According to the secular record, 1948 was the year that Israel once again became an official nation of the world. It is 40 years from the significant, end-time, biblically derived date of the end of the church age in 1988. The number 40 symbolizes a period of testing (see meaning of Bible numbers), and so this period represents a time of testing for the nation of Israel with respect to Jesus Christ. Would they repent and believe in Jesus Christ as their Messiah? This final test for the nation of Israel may be seen in the parable of Luke 13, 

6   He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.
7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?
8 And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it
9 And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down

The fig tree in this parable is the nation of Israel; the owner of the fig tree is the Lord Jesus Christ; and the fruit sought is belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah. Notice that the owner came looking for fruit over a 3 year span, which seems to be in reference to the approximate 3 years (actually about 3.5 years) of Jesus' official ministry on earth which began at His announcement in 29 AD. During this time, Jesus continued to come to the nation of Israel with the Word of God, but they continued to bear no fruit of belief in the Messiah right on up to when they finally crucified Him. Then, with Israel becoming a nation once again about 2000 years later in 1948, it is as if they had been fertilized (dug about and dunged) in preparation to bear the fruit of salvation, but over a 40 year period of testing from 1948 to 1988, they still bore no fruit. The result being complete judgment upon them at the same time judgment came upon the churches beginning on May 21, 1988. This makes perfect sense in that the nation of Israel is used as a type of the New Testament churches throughout scripture, and so it is as if the Lord is saying through the nation of Israel that the churches as well as the nation of Israel were especially being tested for 40 years from May 14, 1948 until they were clearly shown to fail the test by their continued proliferation and increase of false teaching with the result being complete spiritual judgment against them all as of May 21, 1988. One of the points I want to make in all this is that the biblical calendar as is aligned supports the external, known to be accurate, secular date of May 14, 1948, which adds support to the accuracy in the calendar's alignment, for the biblical event-dates mix well with it. And, because the time period of 40 years supports what is inherent to the Bible and biblical calendar, it also supports the accuracy of the calendar both in the accuracy of alignment and otherwise. 

May 14, 1948 to May 21, 1988 = 40 + 7 days 

Until the rebirth of National Israel on May 14, 1948 until the start of the great tribulation on May 21, 1988 is 40 years + 7 days. The number 40 symbolizes testing (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). The number 7 here represents the final warning as was given to Noah (Gen. 7:4). The story might go something like this:

Israel was given 1 final test (40), but failed to recognize Christ as their Messiah, and so were given a final 7 day warning like the people of Noah's day (Gen. 7:4), before they entered into the great spiritual tribulation with all the churches.

The fact that the external, accurate, secular date of May 14, 1948 in this example is able to be meshed well with the internal biblical calendar date of May 21, 1988 to reveal the above meaningful storyline supports the accuracy of the calendar. If the biblical calendar were but one year misaligned, say with judgment beginning on the churches in1989, the time period would be 41 years instead of 40 years, which number is not a spiritually significant number in the Bible, and so all possible symbolic meaning would be lost. The calendar was apparently constructed so that the resulting dates, number patterns and number meanings make complete sense in the light of bibical teaching and history. Intelligent design is written all over the biblical timeline of history. 

1948 to 1994 = 46 years = 2 x 23

1948 was the year that Israel once again became an official nation of the world. It is 46 years from the significant end-time date for the beginning of the Latter Rain and an important time-marker in God's spiritual judgment on the churches in 1994. The number 46 breaks down into the significant spiritual number of 2 x 23. The number 2 symbolizes the one or people responsible for God's Word, and the number 23 symbolizes judgment or wrath (see Numbers of the Bible). The meaning, therefore, in the symbolism of the given time period might be summarized as the following:

The nation of Israel and the churches, being responsible for God's Word, would both come under spiritual judgment or wrath.

The year 1948 puts the focus on the nation of Israel, which is known to have typified the churches throughout Old Testament biblical history, and the year 1994, being an important time-marker in God's judgment plan on the churches, focuses in on the churches. Now if the calendar was off by as little as one year, none of these patterns and numbers would exist. 

May 14, 1948 to May 21, 2011 = 23,000 + 17 days 

Once again, as in the previous scenario May 14, 1948 is the date that Israel became a nation, and so it puts the focus on national Israel and the churches - a focus upon the churches because the nation of Israel was a type of the churches. The number 23,000 breaks down into the significant spiritual numbers of 23 x 1000. The number 23 refers to judgment; the number 1000 refers to completeness of whatever is in view; and the number 17 refers to heaven (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). Therefore, this time period declares the following:  

National Israel and the churches would come under complete spiritual judgment except for the remnant who were saved for heaven by May 21, 2011

Now if the calendar were not accurate, neither the numbers nor the dates would hold true. 

1407 BC to 1948 = 3,354 years = 2 x 3 x 13 x 43 

According to the biblical calendar, 1407 BC is when God's Old Testament people entered the promised land of Canaan. 1948 is when this land of Canaan was officially returned to them by their having become a nation of the world once again. Both of these dates are obviously putting the focus upon the nation of Israel, but because the nation of Israel of the Old Testament foreshadowed or typified the New Testament churches, it also gives focus to them. The number 2 symbolizes those responsible for God's Word; the number 3 symbolizes the purpose of God; the number 13 symbolizes the end of the world; and the number 43 symbolizes judgment or wrath (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). Based on this information, the meaning with everything put together might be this: 

National Israel and the churches come under judgment and wrath near the end of the world.  

Because this time span and so meaning would not exist if the calendar was not so perfectly aligned in relationship to the secular year of 1948, the accuracy of the biblical calendar is once again shown to be supported.  

11, 013 BC to 1948 = 12,960 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 480 

The number 480 is featured in 1Kings 6:1,  

And it came to pass in the 480th year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt ... that he [Solomon] began to build the house of the Lord. 

It was the 480th year after Israel came out of Egypt in 1447 BC that Solomon began to build the temple in 967 BC, and it was 1440 years (3 x 480) from 1447 BC to Christ's birth in 7 BC. It is also 12,960 years (3 x 3 x 3 x 480) from creation in 11,013 BC to when Israel became a nation in 1948.          

The fact that these patterns in 480 exist between the key calendar dates support the accuracy of the calendar, and because one of these dates - the year 1948 - comes from outside the Bible in the secular record and is known to be absolutely accurate, not only is accuracy in the biblical calendar supported, but so is the accuracy in the alignment of the secular and biblical calendars of history. 

Noah's 7 Day Warning is a 7000 Year Warning of the End of Salvation 

The biblical calendar already revealed a 7000 year period from the flood of Noah's day in 4990 BC to the hypothesized end of salvation in 2011, but this 7000 year period was not proven until the Lord began to reveal more evidence and proof for its accuracy. One such proof came from 2Pet. 3:3-8 where we read,  

3   Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4   And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 
5   For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 
6   Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 
7   But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day .  

Here God compares the flood of Noah's day with the happenings to come upon this world, which is done similarly in various parts of the Bible as well like when Jesus said, "But as it was in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Mt. 24:37), or again when He said in Luke 17:26, "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." These comparisons between the flood and the happenings to come upon this world in our day make it clear that the Lord wants us to go back and look at how it was in the days of Noah to learn about how it will be in our day, for how it will be in our day is as the scripture says, "as in the days of Noah." When we then look back at the days of Noah, we notice that God gave Noah a warning 7 days before the flood and said, "yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights" (Gen. 7:4).  

Now what is so significant about this passage is that right in the midst of comparing the flood, wherein Noah was given a 7 day warning, to the happenings to come upon this world in our day, God says,   

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day ."  

In other words, in the comparison of the flood account to the happenings to come upon this world , this is something that stands out about what is to come: " o ne day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." By saying this in the context of the 7 day warning of the flood, which typified the time of warning before the happenings to come upon this world in our day, God is saying that each one of Noah's days typifies 1000 years. It is repeated forward - "one day is ... as a thousand years" - and backward - "a thousand years as one day" - for emphasis, and we know from scripture why God doubles something as we read in Genesis 41,

32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass

So adding up each of Noah's 7 days of 1000 years each is 7000 years. Therefore, just as Noah had but 7 days to get into the ark to escape destruction, so God's people have had 7000 years from the time of the flood to get into the ark of salvation through Jesus Christ in order to escape the final destruction of Judgment. The Ark represents salvation in Christ, and each of the seven days represents 1000 years each for a total of 7000 years from the flood to the Day of spiritual Judgment beginning on May 21, 2011

Now because we had already learned many years ago through the genealogical accounts of Genesis 5 and 11 that the flood came in the year 4990 BC, and that the beginning of judgment would likely be in 2011 , which two years have a time span of 7000 years between them (4990 + 2011 = 7001 minus 1 because there is no actual year "0" in going from BC to AD), it is a very powerful proof to have discovered this exact 7000 year time period from the date of the flood to that of the beginning of spiritual judgment through the completely different time pathway of 2Peter 3:8. It is also a very powerful admonition to be told to "be not ignorant of this one thing." Obviously, this is one very important thing that God wants His people to know, namely that each day of the 7 day warning given to Noah represents 1000 years which totals 7000 years from the flood, and by having doubled it, "it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass" (Gen. 41:32). This is a very powerful proof that our biblical calendar is correct, and, indeed, the spiritual judgment of this world will begin on May 21, 2011 .

Think about this for a moment! From the genealogies in the Bible that were written down more than 3,400 years ago through Moses, a biblical calendar was revealed to our understanding about 40 years ago from which we came to know that the flood took place in 4990 BC. From this foundational calendar and then our God-ordained growth in biblical knowledge over the last 23 years, it became more and more clear that May 21, 2011 would begin Judgment Day. Then to confirm and prove that our understanding was correct as of just a few years ago, God began to reveal proofs. One of these proofs is found in 2Peter 3:8, which was written down through Peter about 1500 years after the biblical genealogies that revealed the time of the flood, and, as we have seen, this much later scriptural teaching reveals what we had already been logically learning years before, namely that the Judgment of the world would come 7,000 years after the flood in the year 2011 . This not only supports the accuracy of our biblical calendar derived from the genealogies of Genesis, but strongly adds support for God to have been the author of the Bible; otherwise, scriptural teaching separated by hundreds upon hundreds of years could not possibly be so in agreement.

Judgment & the 17th Day of the 2nd Month  

As we look further into the biblical account of the flood, we notice that not only was Noah given a 7 day warning before judgment, but the exact day and month that the flood waters struck was revealed as well. And since the flood account is given as a type of the Judgment to come upon this world, it is reasonable to assume that we can also learn the exact day and month of the Judgment to come upon this world, especially since scripture teaches that God's people can and will know the very day (see Can We Know). We read in Genesis 7:11,  

11  In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.  

What is so amazing about this is that the 2nd month, the 17th day of the month of the Jewish lunar calendar when the flood waters came upon the earth just happens to fall exactly on May 21, 2011 when calibrated to our modern day calendar. Did you catch that? Years before we actually even had this proof, we had already concluded based on the biblical calendar that Judgment Day would likely begin on May 21, 2011 by a very different biblical pathway altogether with absolutely no foreknowledge that May 21, 2011 would be equivalent to the exact day that the flood waters struck seven thousands years previous. But here God is giving us a very powerful proof of what we already knew: May 21, 2011 began spiritual Judgment Day. So, again, just "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." As it was on the 17th day of the 2nd month that the flood waters struck, so also will it be the exact same date according to the Jewish lunar calendar, which is May 21, 2011 according to our calendar when judgment day shall strike again (see Hebrew calendar converter). 

Now I ask you, what is the probability that all of this could come about by chance: that scriptural information written hundreds and thousands of years ago could lead to a date for judgment, which just happens to fall on the exact same date to the very day when judgment came upon the world seven thousand years previous in perfect agreement with Jesus' proclamation, "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man "? Remember, there was never any foreknowledge that this would be the case so that the biblical calendar was and could not have been constructed to make this work. Therefore, anyone who is even beginning to grasp this information would have to say that there is no probability that this could have come about by chance. Only God could have so orchestrated scripture and history for this to have happened, and so it is clear that May 21, 2011 is being revealed by God Himself and not man. 

What gives even further credence to this proof are the numbers 2 and 17 used in the 17th day of the 2nd month. The number 17 symbolizes heaven or salvation in the Bible, and the number 2 symbolizes those responsible for God's Word (see Meaning of Bible Numbers).  So what God is saying by bringing judgment day on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Jewish biblical calendar, which is May 21, 2011 of our modern day calendar, is that all those who bring the gospel will be saved for heaven by the time of Judgment Day on May 21, 2011 . This not only adds support to Judgment Day being on May 21, 2011 , but also for the salvation of all God's elect by that time.

Exactly 7000 Years from The Flood to Judgment Day  

It is noteworthy to focus in on that spiritual Judgment Day began exactly 7000 years from the flood. When 7000 years is broken down into its spiritually significant numbers, which the Bible gives warrant in so doing (see subheading numbers as factors here), it comes to 1000 x 7 years. The number 1000 in the Bible represents completeness, and the number 7 represents perfect completion of whatever is in view (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). So what God is symbolizing by the 7000 year span is this:

God's judgment plan typified by the flood finds its perfect fulfillment 7000 years later in the final spiritual judgment which began on May 21, 2011 .

By God having designed these two judgments exactly 7000 years apart in order to support this meaning is another remarkable and logical support for the accuracy of May 21, 2011 and the biblical calendar. Remember, the calendar was not devised to make this work out, but that is just the way it worked it without there being any foreknowledge whatsoever of the flood being exactly 7000 years from spiritual Judgment Day on May 21, 2011

Now we should be absolutely shocked by all the previous proofs and evidence surrounding the flood account alone. By connecting Judgment Day with "as it were in the days of Noah" by revealing that the 7 day warning to Noah to get into the Ark represents the 7000 year warning to God's people to get into the Ark of salvation in Jesus Christ before judgment would come on May 21, 2011 is an incredibly powerful proof that our biblical timeline is completely accurate. Yes, "As in the days of Noah," Judgment Day began on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Hebrew lunar calendar, which according to our modern day calendar was May 21, 2011 . This even becomes more spectacular, as our Lord really is, when one realizes that 2011 is the only other year after 1988 and until 2032 in the Jewish lunar calendar on which May 21 would fall exactly on the 17th day of the 2nd month. Wow! That is absolutely remarkable, and this only magnifies the greatness of the almighty creator of time and history, Jesus Christ our Lord. Praise His glorious name! 

The 3 Major Judgments & the Number 23 

Now another amazing proof for the beginning of spiritual judgment upon the world in 2011 is the pattern in the use of the number 23 that is seen in the amount of years between the three major biblical judgments: the flood, the judgment of Christ on the cross for the sins of His people, and the spiritual judgment on May 21, 2011 . These are the three greatest judgments in the Bible! According to the biblical calendar of history, it is 6000 + 23 or 6,023 years between creation and the flood (11,013 BC to 4990 BC). It is 5000 + 23 or 5,023 years inclusive (see #26-The Bible Allow Inclusive Counting) between the flood and Christ's death on the cross (4990 BC to 33 AD). And it is 13,000 + 23 or 13,023 years between creation and the spiritual Judgment upon the world on May 21, 2011 (11,013 BC to 2011 AD ). 

Now, I ask you, is it just coincidence or by chance that the amount of years between creation and the judgment of the flood is exactly 6000 + 23 years, and that the years between the flood and the judgment of the cross is 5,000 + 23 years, and the years between creation and the spiritual judgment in 2011 is exactly 13,000 + 23 years? Can any reasonable mind really think that this is all by chance? Of course not! By using the number 23, God is emphasizing judgment because the number 23 in the Bible is used symbolically to refer to judgment (numbers in the bible can be used symbolically just like words can because, after all, numbers are words and actual numerals do not actually exist in the original texts - see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). That God maintains this pattern of the number 23 throughout the timeline of history supports the accuracy of our biblical timeline of history. If our calendar was incorrect, this pattern would not have been maintained throughout as it has. Praise God for another clear proof for the time of the end, and that our biblical timeline of history is further proven correct! 

But if this weren't enough, notice that the number combinations that God uses can match the meaning for their respective periods of time as well. For instance, the number 6000 + 23 between creation and the flood has a spiritual meaning that matches that period. 6000 = 1000 x 6. The number 6 in the Bible symbolizes works; the number 1000 symbolizes completeness; and the number 23 as we already stated symbolizes judgment. So what God can be saying through these numbers is this:

The completeness (that is what 1000 represents) of works (that is what the 6 represents) beginning with Adam and Eve resulted in judgment by the flood (that is what the 23 represents). In other words, the evil works of mankind equals, or resulted in, judgment, which came by the flood.

The 5000 + 23 years between the flood and the cross also has a spiritual meaning that matches its respective period. 5000 = 1000 x 5. As usual, the number 1000 symbolizes completeness; the number 5 symbolizes redemption; and the number 23 symbolizes judgment (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). So,

The completeness (that is what the 1000 represents) of redemption from the flood, which typifies redemption from the final destruction as well (that is what the #5 represents) resulted in, or required, judgment upon Christ on the cross (that is what the #23 represents) . Or quite simply, c omplete redemption was wrought by the judgment upon Christ at the cross. 

The 13,000 + 23 years between creation and spiritual Judgment upon the world on May 21, 2011  also has a spiritual meaning which can match its respective time period. In the Bible, 13,000 symbolizes the time of the end and 23 symbolizes judgment (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). So what this could be saying is that at the time near the end (that is what the 13,000 represents) is complete judgment (that is what the 23 represents). Amazingly, 13,000 years from creation lands on 1988 which was the end of the church age and the beginning of spiritual judgment on the churches, for "judgment must begin with the house of God" (I Pet. 4:17), and exactly 23 years later is 2011 when the final spiritual judgment of the entire world begins on May 21, 2011 .

Could it be just a coincidence that all these numbers fit together so perfectly? Can any reasonable mind just dismiss all of this? The evidence and proofs for the biblical calendar are certainly mounting.

Days from the Cross to Judgment Day 

Now another proof for May 21, 2011 has to do with the amount of days between the death of Christ on the cross and Judgment Day on May 21, 2011. W hen we take into account all the biblical information, we know that Christ had to have been crucified on April 1, 33 AD. Now the days from April 1, 33 A.D. to May 21, 2011 number 722,500 days inclusive (see #26-The Bible Allows Inclusive Counting), and when we break this number down into its spiritually significant numbers, we get (5x10x17) x (5x10x17).

What is so amazing here is that the numbers 5, 10, and 17 in the Bible each have great spiritual significance (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). The number 5 symbolizes redemption or atonement at the cross; the number 10 symbolizes completeness; and the number 17 symbolizes heaven or salvation. So to put these numbers into words in the context of which they are found is the same as saying, the atonement or redemption wrought by Christ's sufferings and death on April 1, 33 AD (that is what the number 5 represents) is 100% completed on May 21, 2011 (that is what the number 10 represents) when all the true believers will have been saved for heaven (that is what the number 17 represents). Remarkably this number sequence is doubled to indicate that it has been established by God and will shortly come to pass, for in the Bible God tells us that doubling of something means this very thing in Genesis 41 where we read,

32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

The Final Great Tribulation & the Number 23

In the previous section, the final great tribulation was hypothesized to be from May 21, 1988 to May 21, 2011 - exactly 23 years in duration. The number 23 symbolizes judgment or wrath (see Meaning of Bible Numbers), which accords perfectly with the very nature of this great tribulation as being a time of spiritual wrath or judgment upon the churches of the world. Therefore, the logic and meaning inherent in the biblical calendar supports the accuracy in its construction. It does not support chance, but intelligent and accurate creation! 

The Ratio of the 3 Great Tribulations' Midpoints to Their Total Durations 

Because the ratio of the midpoint of 6.3 years (2300 days) to its total duration of 23 years of the final great tribulation is very close to that of the other two great tribulations in the Bible, which typified the final great tribulation (see previous section), the 23 year duration of the final great tribulation is seen to be supported by intelligent and accurate design.

The First Part of the 3 Great Tribulations & the Number 23 

According to the hypothesis of the previous section, the first part of the final great tribulation began on May 22nd, 1988 with spiritual judgment upon all the local churches around the world and ended on September 7, 1994. This is a period of 2300 days (Daniel 8:14). Because this same number 23 is also featured in the duration of the other two great tribulations of the Bible, which typified this final great tribulation, the 2300 day duration in the first part of the final great tribulation is supported thereby. The manifestation of the number 23 in all 3 great tribulations reveals a logical pattern, and a logical pattern reveals intelligent and accurate design. 

First Part of Final Tribulation (May 22, 1988 to September 7, 1994) = 2300 days
First Part of Judah's Tribulation (609 B.C. to 587 B.C.) = 23 years (inclusive )
First Part of Jacob's Tribulation (1879 B.C. to 1877 B.C.) = 23 months 

The 3 Great Tribulations & the Number 84 

According to the hypothesis of the previous section , the final great tribulation began on May 22nd, 1988 with judgment upon all the local churches around the world and ended on May 21, 2011 . This is a period of 23 years, which when converted into days is equivalent to 8400 days. This number can be broken down into 100 x 84 so that the number 84 is featured in the duration of the final great tribulation. Because this same number is also featured in the duration of the other two great tribulations of the Bible as seen below, which typified this final great tribulation, the 23 year duration of the final great tribulation is supported thereby.

Final Tribulation (May 22, 1988 to May 21, 2011 ) = 23 years = 8400 days = 100 x 84
Judah's Tribulation (609 B.C. to 539 B.C.) = 70 years = 840 months = 10 x 84
Jacob's Tribulation (1879 B.C. to 1872 B.C.) = 7 years = 84 months 

The 3 Great Tribulations & the Number 7 

According to the hypothesis of the previous section, the final great tribulation began on May 22nd, 1988 with spiritual judgment upon all the local churches around the world and ended on May 21, 2011 . This is a period of 23 years, which when converted into days is equivalent to 8400 days. This can be broken down into 100 x 84 or 100 x 12 x 7 so that the number 7 is featured in the duration of the final great tribulation. Because this same number 7 is also featured in the duration of the other two great tribulations of the Bible, which typified this final great tribulation, the 23 year duration of the final great tribulation is supported thereby as is the biblical calendar. In that all 3 great tribulation periods reveal the same 3 numbers of 23, 84, and 7 as previously shown, the accuracy of the biblical calendar is even supported all the more. Patterns such as these do not infer chance, but intelligent and accurate design.

Final Tribulation (May 22, 1988 to May 21, 2011 ) = 23 years = 8400 days = 100 x 84 = 100 x 12 x 7
Judah's Tribulation (609 B.C. to 539 B.C.) = 70 years = 10 x 7
Jacob's Tribulation (1879 B.C. to 1872 B.C.) = 7 years

The Sum of the 3 Great Tribulations 

The sum of the duration in years of the 3 great tribulations is 7 years + 70 years + 23 years = 100 years. The 100 symbolizes completeness (see number studies). The meaning of all this in words might be:
God's judgment or wrath upon His own people is complete in the 3 great tribulations of the Bible.

The 3-date Patterns of the Great Tribulations 

In hypothesizing the final great tribulation dates in the previous section, three prominent dates were revealed: May 21, 1988, September 7, 1994 and May 21, 2011 . There is a start date, a sort of midpoint date, and an end date. Because this same kind of 3-date pattern is also found in the other two great tribulations of the Bible, which typified the final great tribulation, the hypothesized 3-date scenario for the final great tribulation of 23 years duration total is seen to be supported by scripture. Keep in mind that this 3-date scenario was never planned in advance, but it just worked out that way after the biblical calendar had already been constructed, and it is supported in the other great tribulation examples of the Bible. 

Final Great Tribulation = May 21, 1988, September 7, 1994, and May 21, 2011
Judah's Tribulation = 609 B.C., 587 B.C., and 539 B.C.
Jacob's Tribulation = 1879 B.C., 1877 B.C., and 1872 B.C. 

The Latter Rain & the Number 17 

The period beginning on September 7, 1994 was hypothesized in the previous section to have ended on May 21, 2011 . The length of this period just happens to be 17 years in duration; it is known as the Latter Rain in which time period a great multitude of God's elect were saved. Now because the number 17 of the 17 year period symbolizes heaven (see Meaning of Bible Numbers), it fits well with the teaching of a great multitude being saved for heaven, and so accords well in representing this period of time. Remember, the Latter Rain period was not devised with foreknowledge to make it fit to17 years in duration, but that is just the way after putting it all together that it all worked out. Hence, another clear support for the accuracy of the biblical calendar is revealed in this 17 year duration of the Latter Rain.

1,290 Days of Daniel 12 & the 3 Great Tribulations' Midpoints 

In the previous section, three great tribulation patterns were recognized in the Bible with the first two being types or foreshadows of the last, which if you will remember is what allowed for hypothesizing the duration of the final great tribulation to be 23 years based on the ratio of the midpoint of tribulation to the total duration of tribulation for each of the first two sample or typological great tribulations. Each tribulation pattern consisted of a start date, a sort of midpoint date, and an end date. The midpoint dates for each of these tribulations according to the biblical calendar are as follows: 1877 BC, 587 BC, and 1994 AD. What is so significant about these dates is that they are each a factor of 1290 years apart in fulfillment of Daniel 12:11. We read in Daniel 12,

11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days .

Although this Daniel passage says 1290 days, it is not unusual in prophecy for days to represent years. For instance, we read in Ezekiel 4:6, 

4 Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity.
5 For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year

And again in Numbers 14 we read,  

34 After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.  

Therefore, it is not overstepping biblical bounds to perceive the 1290 days of Daniel 12 as representing 1290 years. And when we do so, something quite interesting appears. It has been noticed according to the biblical calendar that the first midpoint great tribulation date of 1877 BC is exactly 1290 years from the second great tribulation midpoint of 587 BC, and the second great tribulation midpoint of 587 BC is exactly 2 x 1290 years from the final great tribulation midpoint of 1994 AD (587 BC + 1994 AD - 1 due to no year zero in going from BC to AD = 2580 = 2 x 1290). This means also that the first great tribulation midpoint of 1877 BC is 3 x 1290 years from the final great tribulation midpoint of 1994. Obviously, God is logically connecting all three great tribulations of the Bible by the factor of 1290 years, which is a tremendous fulfillment of the Daniel 12 prophecy. 

Now what is most important to recognize is how powerful of a proof this all is for the accuracy of the biblical calendar. The three final great tribulation dates of May 21, 1988, September 7, 1994 and May 21, 2011 were logically hypothesized in the previous section, but here they are proven. In the previous section it had been hypothesized that 1994 was an important end-time year because it was the first Jubilee year after the fulfillment of the fig tree parable when Israel became a nation once again in 1948, and here, 1994 has been proven through a completely different biblical pathway altogether, and if 1994 is proven, then so is 1988 and May 21, 2011 because all these years represent a cohesive whole: the final tribulation start point, midpoint and end point. Therefore, to prove one of these years also lends support for the other years as well. In fact, because the factor of 1290 in relationship to the patterns of the three great tribulations throughout the bible is consistent, this is a very strong proof for the accuracy of the biblical calendar as a whole; otherwise, how would it have been possible for such a consistent and logical pattern in the factor of 1290 years between the midpoints of each of the biblical great tribulations? As a reminder, the calendar was not devised to meet these pattern requirements, but rather these patterns of 1290 years and the three great tribulations surfaced only after the biblical calendar was discovered and then analyzed. Indeed, it would have never even been possible to even understand the prophecy of the 1290 days in Daniel 12 unless the calendar had first been discovered through the biblical genealogies about 40 years ago. 

The 1955 Years of the Church Age 

The church age began on May 22, 33 A.D. and ended on May 21, 1988 according to the biblical calendar. This is exactly 1955 years to the very day. This supports the accuracy of the biblical calendar in that 1955 breaks down into the spiritually significant numbers of 5 x 17 x 23. The number 5 in the Bible symbolizes the atonement or redemption; the number 17 is associated with heaven or salvation; and the number 23 symbolizes judgment or wrath (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). So based on these numbers, the church age can be defined as:
The atonement of Christ on the cross (symbolized by 5) brings either salvation (symbolized by 17) or judgment (symbolized by 23).

This reveals what the church age was all about, and is in complete agreement with the scripture as declared in 2Corinthians 2 where it is written,

15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:
16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life.

The church age was a declaration of the atonement by Christ which brings life unto life to heaven for all those who believe by the faith of Christ, but death unto death in judgment for all those who reject and believe not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because it is the calendar that declares the church age to have been exactly 1955 years in duration, which number when broken down into its spiritually significant numbers defines the very period in which it symbolizes, this supports the accuracy of the biblical calendar, for if the church age ended in some year other than 1988, this logical number pattern would not exist. Always keep this in mind: the calendar was not constructed to make the church age be exactly 1955 years in duration, but the calendar just reveals it to be so.

1988 is 13,000 Years from Creation 

Is it by chance that the year of the end of the church age and the beginning of the final tribulation in 1988 just happens to be 13,000 years from creation according to the biblical calendar? The calendar was certainly not devised in foreknowledge for this to be so. In support of the accuracy of the calendar, it really is quite logical because it can be shown that the number 13 in the Bible is symbolic of the time of the end, and, according to the biblical calendar, May 21, 1988 began the time of the end with judgment on the churches in accordance with scripture as " judgment must begin with the house of God" (1Pet. 4:17). If we break down the number 13,000 into its significant spiritual numbers, it becomes 1000 x 13. The number 1000 symbolizes completeness of whatever is in view , and the number 13 is associated with the time of the end (see Meaning of Bible Numbers , and download to listen to a Bible teaching on the number 13 here).

An interesting world question in relation to the number 13 is this: could this time of the end value for the number 13 even be rooted into the very natural fabric of fallen humankind so that they naturally have an ingrained fear of this number? The reason I ask this is due to the well known fear named by the unknown term TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA that many do and have had for the number 13 throughout history (see the fear of the number 13 ).

May 21, 1988 to September 7, 1994 = 2300 days

Is it just coincidence that the end of the church age on May 21, 1988 and the beginning of the Latter Rain on September 7, 1994 are 2300 days apart? In the previous section these two dates were hypothesized based on the 2300 days of the transgression of desolation against the churches (Dan. 8:13-14). It was learned that there had to be a time period near the end in which a great multitude would be saved, and just previous to that time period had to be a period of wrath or judgment. Since September 7, 1994 was the exact date of the annual ceremonial memorial of Jubilee of the blowing of trumpets in a Jubilee year of every 50 years, which has everything to do with salvation in Jesus Christ, and 1994 was the first Jubilee year after May 14, 1948 when Christ foretold by the fig tree parable that His coming would be right at hand, the time period in which a great multitude would be saved most likely would have begun on this annual memorial of Jubilee on September 7 in the Jubilee year of 1994 (read previous section). This means that the 2300 day period of wrath or judgment on the churches must have begun just previous to this, which counting backward 2300 days comes to May 22, 1988 when God's judgment on the churches must have begun. The day before this or May 21, 1988 then must have been the last day of the church age, which accords perfectly with the annual ceremonial Pentecost day because this feast day took place on exactly May 22 in the year 1988, and the previous year's annual Pentecost celebration would have completed its yearly cycle the day before on May 21 in this same year. Everything fits perfectly with the biblical record, and this lends support to the accuracy of the biblical calendar of history including May 21, 1988 and September 7, 1994.

The Spiritual 5 Months of 153 Spiritual Days 

According to the biblical calendar from the beginning of spiritual Judgment Day on May 21, 2011 to the end of the world, whenever that   is, is a spiritual (not literal) 5 month period (Rev. 9:5, 10), which is a spiritual (not literal) 153 days. The number 153 can be broken down into the significant spiritual numbers of 3 x 3 x 17. The number 17 represents heaven, and the number 3 represents God's purpose (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). The number 3 is doubled to emphasize what is declared in Genesis 41,

32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.  

Therefore, the symbolism in the 153 days might be summarized as this:

It is God's established purpose and He will shortly bring it to pass that all God's people who were saved for heaven by May 21, 2011 will go to heaven at the end of the world.

Because this symbolism in the numbers supports the meaning found in this period of time, once again there is found to be some support for the biblical calendar of history. 

2007 BC to 2011 = 4017 years 

According to the biblical calendar, Jacob (Israel) was born in 2007 BC. Jacob is a representation of God's people in the Bible. The number 4017 breaks down into the spiritually significant numbers of 4 x 1000 + 17. The number 4 symbolizes worldwide; the number 1000 symbolizes completeness; and the number 17 symbolizes heaven (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). The spiritual significance of these dates and numbers might be expressed as this:

God's complete people (represented by Jacob) are all saved worldwide for heaven by 2011 .

Thus, here is another clear pattern that supports the calendar. If the calendar were off even by just one year, this logical number pattern and meaning in the calendar would not exist.

1007 BC to 2011 = 3017 years   

According to the biblical calendar, King David's coronation took place in 1007 BC. David is another representation of Christ or Christ's people. The only difference between this logical date and number pattern in comparison to the previous one is that the number 3 is being featured instead of the number 4. The number 3 has to do with the purpose of God (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). With this in mind, the pattern might be defined as the following:

It is God's complete purpose that His people (represented by David) are all saved for heaven by 2011 .  

It is significant that David's coronation in 1007 BC was in a Jubilee year even as Christ was born in the Jubilee year of 7 BC. This matches well with the biblical teaching of David becoming king who was a type of the Christ who was born to be king of His people in 7 BC. 

7 BC to 2011 = 2017 years 

According to the biblical calendar, Jesus was born in 7 BC in a Jubilee year on the Day of Atonement. The only significant difference between this logical date and number pattern, and the previous two is seen in the number 2, which symbolizes the people responsible for God's Word (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). The pattern can be represented in the following way: 

Those responsible for the gospel as represented by Christ will be all saved for heaven by 2011 .    

Once again it is shown that these dates and number patterns reveal a meaning consistent with the Bible and biblical calendar. A few of these number patterns might not be enough to prove the complete accuracy of the calendar, but when these patterns are seen over and over again throughout the biblical calendar, there comes a point of being overwhelmed by the accuracy and divine wisdom of it all.

33 AD to 2011 = 1978 years = 2 x 23 x 43 

According to the biblical calendar, the two significant events in 33 AD were the crucifixion of Christ and the beginning of the church age on May 22nd, which eventually resulted in all the different local churches and denominations. This time span from 33 AD to 2011 is 1978 years, which can be broken down into the significant spiritual numbers of 2 x 23 x 43. The number 2 symbolizes those entrusted with God's Word; the number 23 symbolizes judgment; and the number 43 symbolizes wrath (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). Based on the associated meaning of the dates and numbers, it all might be expressed like this: 

The churches that began as a result of Christ's death in 33 AD will come under judgment and wrath in 2011 .  

391 BC to 2011 = 2401 years = 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 

According to the biblical calendar, 391 BC is known for being the last revealed date of the Old Testament period when God's revelation ceased until the birth of Christ in 7 BC.  391 BC to 2011 is 2401 years, which breaks down to the spiritually significant numbers of 7 x 7 x 7 x 7. The number 7 symbolizes complete perfection, and because it is repeated 4 times, the number 4 is clearly being featured as well. The number 4 carries the meaning of to the farthest extent or worldwide (see Meaning of bible Numbers ). Based on the associated meaning of the dates and numbers, it all might be expressed in the following way: 

God's history of revelation to humankind will be perfectly complete to the farthest extent in 2011.

391 to 7 BC = 384 years = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3  

According to the biblical calendar, 391 BC is known for being the last revealed date of the Old Testament period when God's revelation ceased until the birth of Christ in 7 B.C.. This time span of 384 years can be broken down into the spiritually significant numbers of 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3. The number 3 symbolizes God's purpose, and the number 2 symbolizes the one or those entrusted with God's Word. Because there are 7 twos, the number 7 is also featured, which symbolizes perfect completeness or fulfillment (see Meaning of bible Numbers). Putting it all together: 

It is God's purpose that His Word which ended in 391 B.C. would be perfectly complete or fulfilled in Christ (the one entrusted with God's Word) who was born in 7 BC.

There are patterns after patterns after patterns like this one inherent in the biblical calendar, which supports the calendar's accuracy. If the calendar were off by only one year, these patterns would not hold true to the significance of the revealed dates and the meanings in the patterns. It may be true that a few of these number patterns might not be enough to prove the complete accuracy of the calendar, but when these patterns are seen over and over and over again throughout the biblical calendar, there comes a point of being overwhelmed by the accuracy and divine wisdom of it all. It could not be possible by chance, but by divine and accurate design alone.  

391 BC to 29 AD = 420 years = 2 x 3 x 7 x 10  

According to the biblical calendar, 391 BC was the last date capable of having been discovered through the Old Testament scripture, and it marked an end to revelation from God - the beginning of a period of silence - until the birth of Christ in 7 BC.  29 AD was the year in which Christ's official ministry began as well as when He was announced and baptized by John the Baptist as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The time period between 391 BC and 29 AD is 420 years (inclusive ). The number 420 breaks down into the spiritually significant numbers of 2 x 3 x 7 x 10. The number ten symbolizes completeness; the number 2 symbolizes the care-takers of the Bible or those commissioned with the gospel; the number 3 means the purpose of God; and the number seven means the perfect completeness of whatever God has in view (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). Putting the spiritual meaning of these numbers together in the context of the given time period might be described as this: 

It is God's complete (10) purpose (3) that the revelation of God's Word, which ended in 391 BC, would again be manifest 420 years later through the perfectly complete (7) gospel-commissioned Christ (2) at His announcement in 29 AD.  

Is it just coincidence that this time period of 420 years is revealed in the biblical calendar? In the light of all the surrounding evidence, I think not! 

1/3 - 2/3 Patterns 

According to the biblical calendar, there is a progression of 1/3 - 2/3 patterns revealed in several of the time spans between related event-dates, which supports the accuracy of the biblical calendar timeline. For instance, Israel was in Egypt for 430 years (Ex. 12:41) beginning with Jacob's entrance in 1877 BC until the exodus in 1447 BC (this period is the 1/3). Exactly 2 x 430 years, or 860 years, from 1447 BC just happens to come to the significant calendar date of 587 BC (this period is the 2/3). The total time span from 1877 to 587 BC is 1290 years. 

Now as the 1/3 - 2/3 pattern is progressed further, it is seen that this 1290 years from 1877 B.C. to 587 BC (another 1/3 period) x 2 is 2580 years or 2 x 1290, which when added to the end of the period in 587 BC comes to 1994 AD (the 2/3 period). What is so significant about the progression in this 1/3 - 2/3 pattern is that it just happens to connect all three related and significant dates of 1877 BC, 587 BC, and 1994 AD - remarkably these are all midpoint-dates to the three related great tribulation periods of the Bible. If the calendar were inaccurate in any way, such patterns would not reasonably exist. Intelligent and accurate design is clearly revealed. 

There are other 1/3 - 2/3 patterns in the Bible as well, which would further support the accuracy of the biblical calendar (see #29-1/3 2/3 pattern in the Bible )

The 1000 Years Between Jacob, David, and Christ 

According to the calendar, Jacob was born in 2007 BC; King David's coronation took place 1000 years later in 1007 BC; and Christ was born 1000 years after this in 7 BC. Because Jacob (Israel) was a type of God's people or God Himself as was also King David, and the number 1000 symbolizes completeness (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ), another clear logical pattern becomes apparent in the biblical calendar, which further supports the accuracy of the biblical calendar. The spiritual meaning of this might be written as such:

It is seen in both Jacob and King David a complete type of Christ .

1447 BC to 33 AD = 1480 years = 2 x 2 x 10 x 37  

According to the biblical calendar, the exodus took place in 1447 BC, and the crucifixion of Christ took place in 33 AD. This period is 1480 years in duration (inclusive), which number can be broken down into the spiritually significant numbers of 2 x 2 x 10 x 37. The number 2 symbolizes those entrusted with God's Word; the number 10 symbolizes completeness; and the number 37 symbolizes judgment or wrath (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). The meaning in the pattern could be expressed like this: 

Those entrusted with the Word of God were delivered from the bondage to sin through the complete judgment of death laid upon Christ on the cross in 33 AD, which was typified by the exodus from Egypt in 1447 BC. 

1877 BC to 587 BC = 1290 years = 3 x 10 x 43 

According to the biblical calendar, both 1877 BC and 587 BC are the midpoint dates of their respective great tribulation period (see #14-The Three Tribulations). Each date is thoroughly related to God's judgment upon His own kingdom or people. In 1877 BC this judgment came in the form of a literal famine in the land of Canaan (the kingdom of God) while in 587 BC God's judgment came in the form of the Babylonians who destroyed Judah and Jerusalem and took God's people captive by exile into Babylon. This time period from 1877 to 587 BC is 1290 years, which number can be broken down into the spiritually significant numbers of 3 x 10 x 43. The number 3 symbolizes Gods purpose; the number 10 symbolizes completeness; and the number 43 symbolizes judgment or wrath (see Meaning of Bible Numers). Putting it all together: 

The Judgment on the land of Canaan in 1877 BC and upon Judah and Jerusalem in 587 BC was God's complete purpose

The Creation Date of 11,013 BC 

According to the biblical calendar, creation took place in 11,013 BC. This number 11,013 in itself summarizes all of history. The number 11 symbolizes the time of Christ on earth about 11,000 years after creation, and the number 13 symbolizes the time of the end about 13,000 years after creation (see Meaning of Bible Numbers). Putting it all in one sentence: 

Creation took place in 11,013 BC, then about 11,000 years later the savior came, and then the time of the end about 13,000 years later than creation.  

This a somewhat different type of evidence for the calendar in that it is focused upon the meaning in just one particular date of the biblical calendar. There are many other dates in the calendar which reveal the same type of thing (see #51-Can All This Be a Coincidence, page 2 ). 

11,013 BC to 7 BC = 11,000 + 7 years  

According to the biblical calendar, creation took place in 11,013 BC and Christ was born in 7 BC. The time span between these dates is 11,000 + 7. The number 7 symbolizes perfect completeness and the number 11 symbolizes about 11,000 years from creation (see Meaning of Bible Numbers ). The meaning symbolized in these numbers is this: 

In about 11,000 years from creation, the perfect complete Lord Jesus Christ would be born.   

Once again, the biblical calendar's accuracy is supported. The date 11,013 BC was not derived by chance, but once the external secular and internal biblical calendars had been aligned, 11,013 BC was clearly revealed to be the date of creation. The calendar in no way could have been devised in advance to make these numbers work, but because they do work and reveal a symbolic meaning not found in just any old random numbers, the calendar is supported in its precision of dates and numbers. 

33 AD 

Jesus died in 33 AD according to the biblical calendar. The number 33 breaks down into the spiritually significant numbers of 3 x 11. The number 3 symbolizes the purpose of God while the number 11 symbolizes about 11,000 years from creation (Meaning of Bible Numbers). Therefore, this number and date of 33 A.D. seems to have been chosen by God to represent something like this: 

It was the purpose of God for Jesus to die about 11,000 years from creation.   

This a somewhat different type of evidence for the calendar in that it is focused upon the meaning in just one particular date of the biblical calendar. There are many other dates in the calendar which reveal the same type of thing (see #51-Can All This Be a Coincidence, page 2 ). 

4990 BC to 70 AD = 5060 years = 2 x 10 x 23 x 11 

According to the biblical calendar, the flood took place in 4990 BC. From this date to when the Romans destroyed the nation of Israel in 70 AD was 5060 years. This number breaks down into the significant spiritual numbers of 2 x 10 x 23 x11. The number 2 symbolizes those entrusted with God's Word; the number 10 symbolizes completeness; the number 23 symbolizes judgment; and the number 11 symbolizes about 11,000 years from creation. Therefore, the message in all this could be:  

Those entrusted with God's Word who would be delivered from the flood of 4990 BC would come into complete judgment at about 11,000 years from creation in 70 AD. 

Many times in this section of evidence and proofs, it has been shown that significant event-dates in the calendar and the time spans between them reveal a logical meaning in support of the biblical record. If the calendar were not completely accurate, how could this take place on a regular basis? If the calendar were off by just one year, it would all fall apart in meaning.

11,013 BC to 2011 = 3 x 3 x 1447 

According to the biblical calendar, the time period from creation in 11,013 BC to the time when all God's people will have been saved by May 21, 2011 = 13,023 years = 3 x 3 x 1447. The number 1447 is seen in the significant biblical date of 1447 BC when God's people were delivered from bondage in Egypt. The number 3 symbolizes God's purpose, and it is doubled because it is established by God and He will shortly bring it to pass (Gen 41:32). It might all be expressed in this: 

From the beginning of creation in 11,013 BC it has been God's purpose to deliver His people from bondage, and He will shortly bring it to pass in 2011.    

Significant Dates and the Time Intervals Between Them 

It could not possibly be by chance that the time spans between most of the important event-dates in the biblical calendar can be broken down into spiritually significant and symbolic numbers like 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 17, 23, 37, and 43 which emphasize, enhance, define or match the meaning inherent in the particular time period itself. The consistency by which this takes place throughout the biblical calendar supports a great intelligent designer, and so supports the accuracy of the biblical calendar (see #4- Historical Event Intervals ).


After careful contemplation of many of the evidences and proofs for the biblical calendar (there is much more still not included in this section as well), there can be no doubt to its complete accuracy. The evidence and proof is overwhelming! Several important and related points come to mind as well: 

1. All this proof and evidence not only proves the calendar's accuracy, but also proves the accuracy of the Bible from which it comes. It is clear that all the event-dates, time periods between the various event-dates, and meanings to the numbers of these dates and time periods are so logically and wonderfully meshed together that the Word of God through the Bible without a doubt is lifted up to the level of divine, which it clearly should be. It would be absolute foolishness in the light of all the evidence, unless, of course, one were completely blind, to think somehow this timeline of history could have been devised and written by men alone, and, in doing so, also believe that the Bible was devised or written by men alone. The two go hand in hand, and if the calendar is proven accurate, then it must be recognized that the Bible is proven accurate as well, for the calendar comes directly from the many pages of the Bible with a multitude of evidence ever growing in discovery for its complete accuracy. Remember, all the cohesiveness, logic, wisdom, and intricacies in the calendar are now only being recognized after thousands of years from when it was written down in scripture. It could have never been devised by any human being or beings or by chance, but it can only point to a great intelligence who is God, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

2. The accuracy of the biblical calendar gives complete assurance that May 21, 2011  is a key-date in the scheme of things. May 21, 2011 really did begin spiritual Judgment Day in which there is no longer any possibility for salvation - the relatively small misinterpretation on the timing of the rapture with its associated earthquake does not change the validity of May 21, 2011 in the light of all this evidence and proof - it really was a small error in the light of the whole. The people of God can learn to rest in this and so not let the stresses of this life in this last period of time overwhelm them. It is a real test as to one's belief in the Word of God; the only way that one could possibly pass the test is through the grace of God alone. 


The following resources were completed before it was realized that the rapture along with its associated earthquake would occur at the end of the world and not at the end of the great tribulation on May 21, 2011 . Therefore, any reference in the following resources to the rapture and earthquake taking place on May 21, 2011 must be overlooked, but all reference to Judgment Day beginning on May 21, 2011 is still completely valid with no possibility for eternal salvation ever since May 21  as had been always declared. All dates are still the same; the timing of the rapture was just misunderstood, but the important dates of the calendar have not been effected in any way. 

Books & Booklets

The Doomsday Code , especially Chapter 6-8. The biblical calendar is revealed and supported. 

Why May 21. Word document with proofs for May 21, 2011 

The Biblical Calendar of History . Chronological record of events according to the Bible. 

Time Has An End . This is a biblical history of the world. A Large book and quite detailed.   

Adam When (look in Literature section) . The biblical calendar was first discovered and then revealed in this book written about 40 years ago.

Web Sites

Earth's Timeline . This comes from the web site titled Search Out A Matter . It offers a good presentation on the Earth's Timeline, and some sound teaching on various biblical topics.     

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